Visit us at the IWA 2025 between February 27th and March 2nd, 2025, Nürnberg Germany, Stand 3-620.

Xtreme 400 FX 4.5

400XFX45 350x
New heavy pellets for shooting purposes only with really strong spring operated, PCP and other airguns. Suitable for medium and long distances up to +50m. Heavy parabolical head accurate pellets, with double fx circle, 0.750 gram / 11,57 grain weight, suitable hunting with extreme shock effect on the target.
caliber 4.50mm | .177
weight 0,750g | 11,57gr
energy ≤ 40J
recommended field line pellets
ranges ≤ 50m | 55y
quantitiy 400
cardboardbox 24